Thank you for considering a tax-deductible donation to Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue, Tax ID 93-1119739
Your donation goes directly to support our work saving lives. Our members are dedicated and skilled, and your help is deeply appreciated. Many aspects go into our work bringing people home to their families, and all training, mission, planning, and administration time is 100% volunteer. Your generous donations support the direct cost of training, specialized team rescue equipment, supplies, search base support, community education outreach, the business costs to maintain our finances and website, and volunteer resiliency.
Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to providing search and rescue assistance to people lost or injured in the outdoors, and educational public outreach in support of safety in the wilderness. We are based in Hood River County but respond regionally anywhere we are needed. PNWSAR typically responds to more than 60 emergency calls each year. In 2022, we responded to more than 55 callouts.
Making a gift to PNWSAR is a direct way to help someone who may be lost or injured in our area. Your gift allows us to continue to provide services to our northwest visitors in the outdoors.
There are multiple ways to donate to our team:
We participate in a vehicle-donation program for used vehicles including cars, trucks, RV's, motorcycles, and even aircraft! To donate, call us at 503-577-1007 or email us at and we'll take care of the rest! We'll arrange for our donation partner to pick up the vehicle, sell it at auction, and send PNWSAR the proceeds. When the sale goes through we'll send you a tax-deductible receipt.
You can donate using Paypal via the link above. If you use this option and would like a tax receipt other than your credit card statement, we would be pleased to provide one. Just use the contact form to tell us your name, mailing address or email address, and what you've donated.
If you use a Fred Meyer Rewards Card, you can sign up for the Community Rewards program by connecting your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue using the link below. You can search for us by our name or by our Rewards nonprofit number 80155. Fred Meyer donates a small amount for every purchase you make.
Thank you for your support,
Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue
Tax ID 93-1119739